Are you a young professional who feels like you are not in charge of your life?
A common theme I have been hearing recently from my clients, both women and men alike, is that they have taken the approach and fallen into the pattern of going with the flow in their life.
If this is the case for you, what I believe is also happening in your life is that you are reacting or responding to things as they present themselves. What I am guessing also might be happening is that you are waiting for things to happen to or for you, rather than making things happen for yourself.
Where has this approach to your life, your career, or your relationships gotten you so far? Do you feel that you are reaching your greatest potential? Does something inside of you telling you that you can do and be better?
If so, you are absolutely right. Things can be better, so much better.
You can be better. You can be and accomplish what you are meant to accomplish here in this world. You can lead a joyful and fulfilling life. You can have a fulfilling career. You can experience meaningful and fulfilling relationships. It is in your reach and is absolutely possible.
In order to access these possibilities, however, you are going to have to make a shift. That shift you are required to make is moving out of ‘go with the flow/letting things happen’ mode and into ‘I am the creator of my life’ mode. Once you take ownership and personal responsibility to be the creator of your life and take the reigns into your hands, you will recognize that you can create the joy and fulfillment that you seek in your life, career, or your relationships and make it happen for you.
[You can hear more about my take on Being the Creator of Your Own Happiness in an interview I did just last week with Israel News Talk Radio. All the guests on the show are great. You will find my segment at the 29 minute mark. Click here and then scroll down on the page there to find and click to listen.]
In order to bring this message home to you a bit more, here is an analogy. Let’s say you are standing outside and there is a big boulder in your presence. You turning around and walking away from this boulder as it starts to roll after you is you approaching your life as someone who is reacting/responding to things as they present themselves in your life or are happening to you. You keep running and running as a way to keep up and perhaps, even, prevent yourself from getting run over by this boulder of life. You feel out of breath as you make an effort to stay afloat and not get clobbered. You are so focused on reacting and responding (and surviving) that you have no time to create the life, career, or relationship that you really want for yourself.
Instead I suggest you take this approach with that same boulder. Instead of turning away from the boulder and trying to survive, turn around and look at it. Put your hands out and push. Say this to yourself and take on this attitude and approach: Say, I am in charge. Because you are.
You get to decide how to live your life. You can decide what you want for yourself, and make it happen. Instead of waiting for things to happen and believing that there is nothing you can do but react or respond to situations as they present themselves, recognize that you are capable of being a creator in your own life.
How’s that for motivation?
Starting today, take charge of your life and get clear on what you want for yourself in your own life, your career, and/or your relationships. Then, like an artist who starts his/her creation with thinking about what his/her vision is for the painting s/he wants to create, start by thinking about and getting clear on your vision for what you want your life, career, and relationships to look like. Then like a paint brush to canvas, start creating it.
If you would like more support on this and are ready to shift your approach from someone who allows things to happen, to someone who makes things happen, contact me to set up your complimentary consultation. Your experience with joy and fulfillment in your life, career, and relationships is in your hands. I will help you access it.
In support and admiration for all that you are and all that you are capable of,
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