Have you ever felt unsatisfied or frustrated in your career and/or your relationships?
One of the things I specialize in is empowering my clients with the
tools to create fulfillment, joy and success for themselves in their
career and their relationships.
I have compiled a list of five tips you can apply for creating
fulfillment at work, or any other area of your life, so that you, too,
can experience joy and success.
Tip #1:Remember that You are a Leader.
You may not see yourself as a leader, especially if you are not in a
leadership role yourself. But the truth is that each and everyone of us
is a leader. Each and everyone of us has the capacity and the ability to
create the changes and the reality that we wish to have and experience.
The first step is then for you to recognize and embrace this concept
that you are a leader. When you begin to see yourself as the leader that
you are, you will be in the position to create the fulfillment that you
Tip #2: Clarify Your Goals
of the reasons you may not be experiencing fulfillment at work is
because you have not yet clarified for yourself what would bring you
When your goals aren’t clear to you, you are in a state of waiting for
others around you, or for the environment around you, to change or
create those goals for you. This can be very frustrating.
In order to create fulfillment for yourself, I recommend that you get
proactive and create the vision or goal(s) for yourself that would lead
to you feeling fulfilled at work.
Examples of goals that might bring you fulfillment are:
- To be part of team.
- To produce more quality projects.
- To have more balance.
- To use your time wisely.
- To make more money.
- To be appreciated.
Whatever your
goals are, be sure they are goals that are important to you. The more
authentic they are to you, the more motivated you will be to achieve
Ask yourself what your work goals are.
Tip #3: Focus on What IS in Your control.
may have heard this many times; this concept of staying focused on what
IS in your control. What may be a challenge is actually applying this
I appreciate the way Byron Katie helps us to understand this.
Byron Katie says that there are 3 businesses in the world: 1. Our Business 2. G-d’s Business, and 3. Other people’s Business.
The only thing in our control is OUR business (i.e. ourselves) – and I will add – ourselves in the present.
We cannot control what happened in the past (even a moment ago), nor can we control what will happen in the future.
When applying this to creating fulfillment at work, follow the steps:
Step 1: Remember that you are a leader and are capable of creating change.
Step 2: Clarify your goals and what it is that you would like to see happening.
Step 3: Clarify what IS and what is Not in your Control (e.g. other
people and what they do, say, or feel) and make a list of what IS in
your control to be able to create the fulfillment that you seek.
Think about ways you can apply this concept to you achieving your goals at work.
Tip #4: Clarify Your Values and Your Needs
values and your needs will give you the information for the authentic
way in which you can create and achieve fulfillment at work.
What are the things that you value?
Is it respect, listening, working together, family, having fun?
What are your needs?
Do they include to be respected, to be heard, to work with others, to make work fun?
As you can see, values and needs can overlap. Much of the time the
things that we need are also the things that we value and vice versa.
The above are just a few examples.
Ask yourself what your core values and needs are.
Tip #5: Live Your Values
your values at work means to ‘bring’ your values to your workplace. You
live out your values by BEING and DOING your values. You can also
create fulfillment by being proactive in getting your needs met.
This is how doing the above would look like in a work environment:
Say you value respect and being heard in your interactions with others.
Instead of waiting for others to show respect to you or to listen to
you, BRING respect and listening to your work environment by being and
showing respect to others (and yourself), and by listening to others in
the way you want others to listen to you.
Getting your ‘needs’ met at work, would look like this:
Say you have a need to feel more connected to people. You can create
fulfillment for yourself at work by proactively reaching out to and
connecting with others.
If you are a solo-entrepreneur, you can do this by creating a
small-business support/accountability group like I did when I was
seeking to feel connected to other solo-entrepreneurs like myself.
Ask yourself this:
What are some ways I can LIVE my values and get my needs met at work?
I hope that you enjoyed these tips.
Please feel free to be in touch anytime if you have any questions,
comments, or thoughts you would like to share with me about what I share
here, or anything related.
Please also feel free to share this email with anyone in your life you think would benefit from these tips.
Wishing you an amazing day and week ahead!
In support and admiration,
~ Jenny
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