As a leader sometimes we think we have to act a certain way to be respected, heard, and to have influence.
I find that the best way to be a leader is by being authentic.
To lead in alignment with who you are – your qualities and characteristics – and your values and your beliefs.
As a leader sometimes we think we have to act a certain way to be respected, heard, and to have influence.
Being an authentic leader
I find that the best way to be a leader is by being authentic.
To lead in alignment with who you are – your qualities and characteristics – and your values and your beliefs.
Leading in this way will give you clarity, confidence and direction, making you an effective leader.
This is true if you are a CEO, business owner or entrepreneur, manager, and even as a leader in your own life and as a parent.
To be an effective leader take the time to explore who you are, and what you value and believe and allow these to be your guide.
Your Qualities
You can do this by asking yourself what your qualities are. Not your accomplishments, but your qualities.
Your qualities are the characteristics that make you, you. They are those things about you that got you to accomplish what you have accomplished in your life.
Exploring your qualities will help you understand who you are better and your unique approach to how you live, love, work and lead.
Your Values
Ask yourself what really matters and is important to you.
Ask yourself what you really care about.
This can include family, spirituality, love, and the causes you care deeply about. It can also include qualities you value.
The next step you want to take is asking yourself what each of the values you listed means to you. How do you define it?
Then ask yourself what it is that you believe about each of your values.
Exploring your beliefs about your values will give you clarity and direction for how to manifest your values in your life and in the way that you lead.
More about you
Other areas you can explore about you are your needs. These include your physical, emotional and psychological needs.
You can also explore what your interests and hobbies are.
If you need help
If you have trouble doing this on your own, I am happy to help. This is one of the services I offer to my clients.
Click here to schedule your complimentary consultation. We’ll set a time to speak about what you are feeling stuck with and how I can be of help to you.
In support and admiration,
~ Jenny
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