Whether we realize it or not we are constantly choosing our actions and our feelings. No one and no ‘thing’ is making us say, do, or feel anything. Once we recognize and accept this fact, we can step back and start becoming more aware of our choices throughout the day, and throughout our life.

Our choices give us insight into who we are. This worksheet is designed to help you become more aware of the choices you make and to help you learn more about yourself in the process.

Answer the questions below to start becoming more aware of your choices and gain deeper insight into who you are.  Use this process on a daily basis to help you create greater awareness and understanding of who you are.

If you like to work with pen and paper like me, find and print out a pdf version of this worksheet here.

[If you are interested in learning more about who is in control of the choices that you make, read Choice Theory by William Glasser or contact me.]

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