It can be easy and understandable to get frustrated with others, or to allow what other people are doing or saying to trigger us.
I have been thinking of different ways to deal with others in a healthy way, ways that will lead to great productivity and happiness overall.
One effective way to deal with people whom you are frustrated with, or whom you feel are getting frustrated with you is to look at the situation you are in (and the person you being triggered by) from a human perspective.
What does it mean to look at situations from a Human Perspective?
What if when we were really feeling irritated at someone we took a step back to consider what that person, or group of people, might be thinking or feeling?
What if you were to see the boss who is getting angry with you and your team…as someone who is feeling stressed or afraid?
What if you saw the co-worker who hasn’t been very friendly to you…as someone who is shy, not quite sure how to connect, or perhaps feeling intimidated by you?
What if you saw the employee who has not been producing well lately…as someone who is lacking confidence.
What if you saw your partner, who is not giving you his/her attention… as someone who is really worried about something at work and doesn’t know how to speak about it.
What if you saw your kids who are acting up and aren’t listening to you…as your loved ones who are craving more of your attention.
When we are able to zoom out and view things from a human perspective, it becomes easier to look for ways to solve our relationship problems.
A kind or reassuring word to your boss may help him feel more secure.
Genuine connection with your co-worker may help her feel more connected with you.
Sharing words of encouragement with your employee may help him to feel more confident.
Showing empathy and understanding to your partner may help him/her feel comfortable opening up to you.
Giving your full attention to your children may help them feel more relaxed and calm.
I encourage you to be in a leader and to recognize that you have the power to create change around you.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.
In support and admiration,
~ Jenny
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