That’s a hard truth.
And if we are brave enough to look within, we can ask ourselves the following questions that were formulated by Tracy McMillan, a relationship expert, on what we can do, and learn about ourselves, when we realize we are in, or have attracted, these unhealthy relationships, be it with a partner or anyone else in our life:
1. Where do I need to love myself more?
2. What is it that I am here to learn?
3. What is it that I believe about myself that this situation is showing me?
4. What can I do about it?
In order to help you apply this tool yourself, the following is an example of how I have applied asking myself these questions about my own difficult and challenging relationships:
Where do I need to love myself more?
- I need to know and believe in what I deserve.
- I need to trust myself and know that I know what is right and correct for me.
- I need to respect my own feelings.
What is it that I am here to learn?
- I am here to learn that I deserve goodness in my life.
- I am here to learn that I deserve to be loved and respected for who I am.
- I am here to learn that my feelings are valid.
What is it that I believe about myself that this situation is showing me?
- Right now, this situation is showing me, that I believe that I don’t deserve goodness, or to be resepected for who I am, or to respect and honor my own feelings.
What can I do about it?
- I can start with me.
- I can respect and accept myself.
- I can respect and accept my feelings.
- I can know what I deserve, believe it, and attract that which I deserve into my life.
That’s how it works!
Now it’s your turn.
Take the time to answer the above questions. See what comes up for you.
If you would like to share your answers with me, I would be honored to read them and to listen. You can email me at
If you feel you can benefit from support or coaching around this, get in touch anytime.
In support and admiration,
~ Jenny
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