Did you ever feel like you were not in the right environment for you?
Someone I know recently moved from the city to the desert and now she is finally flourishing. She didn’t feel right where she was before. She put in so much effort to make things work, but she kept feeling stuck and things in her personal and professional life were Simply. Not. Moving.
Once she made the move and took the leap to build her life in a place where she was in her element, everything changed…for the better.
Similar to flowers, we require the right environment and support to thrive
I often tell my clients that we are like flowers and what we require is the right environment, nourishment and support that will create the best possible scenario for us to thrive.
We can make an effort to create that where we are, or when that’s not working, we can pick ourselves up and put ourselves in an environment that works better, where we are in our element, and where we can grow and reach our greatest potential.
What are your thoughts on this?
Have you ever felt stuck like this at work or in your personal life?
In what type of environment do you thrive?
I would love to know.
Please share your thoughts in the comments below.
In support and admiration,
~ Jenny
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