We had a great turnout for the workshop: “Are You Speaking Your Child’s Love Language? – A Workshop for Parents Who Want to Learn How to Best Support their Children” that took place last Wednesday night (December 2, 2009) in Maale Adumim.
Together the participants and I explored what it means to really love someone; the ways in which we show love to others; and the ways in which we like to receive love.
We learned about the concept of each person having a love tank that requires filling; how to fill that love tank by speaking the five love languages; and the powerful impact of knowing and being able to ‘speak’ in a child’s primary love language.
We gained awareness and clarity of the real emotional requirements of our children and became more sensitive to what our children may be really asking for when they are ‘misbehaving.’
We explored how to go about discovering our children’s love languages; and shared suggestions of how to use (and not use) the five love languages.
What participants said they gained from the workshop:
“It was an amazing workshop that really opened up a new world for me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
“[I learned to] be aware of each child’s differences and love language requirements. [The workshop was] very helpful and informative. Thank you!”
“[I learned] to take steps back and look at how to give love to my children and others in a way that is right for them Thank you! It was very helpful to refocus what it’s all about when we start getting swallowed up in the daily routine.”
“[The workshop was] very interesting! Well done. [I learned] new insights and motivation for dealing with [my] kids. [It was] very helpful and inspiring.”
“[I learned that] my kids hear love from me in different ways. Thanks for a great evening. [It was] enjoyable and informative.”
“[I learned] the concept of a primary love language; filling the ‘love tank’; and giving according to the needs of others. Thanks!”
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