Love Tip Tuesday: Take Time for Yourself So That You Can Be Better at Your Relationships

Take time for yourself.


Wondering about how to balance giving to yourself and giving to others?


Sometimes it is hard to discern which is more important – making time for you, or making time for the people you care most about. Giving to yourself might feel like the ‘selfish’ thing to do, while giving to others all of the time without taking your own needs into account, might leave you feeling depleted and ultimately resentful.


What can you do, then, to balance both giving to yourself and giving to those you most care about at the same time?


There is a way you can meet both your own needs and the needs of others and all it requires is a new perspective on your part: View giving to yourself as the way in which you can then be a better giver in your relationships. 


Think of yourself as if you were a glass full of water (or wine, whichever you prefer.) If you are constantly choosing to take of your glass and fill another person’s ‘glass’ with your water, you will ultimately be left (running on) empty. If you continue to give to others from this ’empty’ place, you are likely to end up feeling resentful, which will not make you the giver that you would like to be. Continuing in this way is also likely to make you feel out of balance both with yourself and the people you care most about.




In order, then, to be a great giver to others in your life, take time for yourself and keep your cup filled. When you are feeling as if you are about to run on empty – or have been running on empty way too long – fill yourself back up. There are different ways that you can do this and it is up to you to figure out what is the best way for you to fill you up. (Think of those things that make you feel good and that you enjoy or want to be doing.)


Making time for and giving to yourself will leave you feeling more full and ready to give to the others in your life from a genuine place of love and a sincere desire to give (as opposed to a ‘chore’ or job that you feel that you ‘have to do’ in your relationships.)


[Click here to read more about how to become a Master Giver in your relationships.]


As always, be in touch with any questions or comments. You can reach me anytime, Here.


In support and admiration for all that you are,





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Career & Relationship Coach | Leadership Trainer | Founder of UnleashingU!

Hi, I'm Jenny Sassoon, founder of UnleashingU! I guide professionals, students, entrepreneurs, and executives to move forward and thrive in their career, business, leadership and life in a way that is right and authentic for them. To schedule your complimentary consultation to learn more about how I can help you, click on the 'contact' tab above.