Do you find yourself apologizing for yourself a lot? Do you find that you tend to focus more on what you are doing wrong or do not yet know how to do, instead of all that you do well and know how to do? Do you speak negatively about yourself because you think that is what it means to be humble and modest?
If so, you are not alone. I often hear women and men speak about themselves negatively, or give themselves very little, if any credit. I often wonder: Is this how this person sees him or herself? Is this person trying to be modest? Perhaps this person has no idea how to take a compliment. Maybe they feel as if they do not deserve the compliment.
Because I see so clearly each individual’s unique contribution to the world through their unique self, gifts, talents, and strengths, it is very hard for me to hear people speak about themselves negatively or give excuses for a compliment they have just received. And I feel the same towards you, as well.
I want you to recognize how incredible you are. I want you to focus on all the great things that you do. I want you to acknowledge when you know you have done a good job at something. I want you to stop belittling yourself, and to start speaking positively about you.
There is no good reason for you to speak negatively about yourself or to not give yourself the credit that you deserve. Doing this does not make you humble. It sends the message that you do not honor yourself as much as you deserve to honor yourself. This in turn can lead to others not honoring you and giving you the respect that you deserve.
I encourage you to start today, right now, to speak positively about yourself. Acknowledge who you are and what you know you have done well. Take the word ‘but’ out of your vocabulary when you are speaking about yourself. When someone gives you a compliment, take the compliment and simply say ‘Thank you.’
When you speak positively about yourself, you will stand taller. You will believe in yourself. You will have the confidence to do those things you thought you were not capable of doing. Furthermore, speaking positively about yourself will allow you to unleash your gifts, talents, and strengths; allowing all of us, not just you, to benefit from your greatness.
In support, admiration, and in awe of all that you are,
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