I’ve recently come across a number of posts on social media encouraging individuals to ‘re-write’ their story; to let go of the past, and plan your future.
This is wonderful and I encourage you to do so, especially if you have a past and history with hurt and pain.
But how?
How does one re-write their story?
How does one take the necessary steps to start anew, to start fresh; to let go of the past and create the beautiful and wonderful life that each and every one of us deserves?
This is a transition and it is about starting something new.
And the first step we are required to take when starting something, anything new, that we want to thrive and succeed in, is to…
Take personal responsibility.
The first step you need to take in order to write your new story is to first decide that you are in control of your life.
You must stop depending on and looking to others to change, or to change things for you.
Only you can do that.
How do I know?
Because I used to be someone who focused on pain and blame. I wasn’t even aware how much I was stuck in that space until an amazing instructor and mentor of mine pointed it out to me.
I thought I was just fine. I also thought that I would live in the place of hurt and blame for the rest of my life. And I accepted it.
It was not until I read Choice Theory and incorporated the concepts and practices the author Dr. William Glasser shares that I was made aware that I can finally be free of all the pain and blame.
I realized that by constantly thinking about some painful experiences from my past, I was handing control of me and my life over to those painful past experiences.
It then occurred to me (or rather hit me like a ton of bricks) that just as I am the one giving over control to those painful experiences, I can also choose to let go of those painful experiences.
I realized that I was in full control of my life.
And so, instead of thinking of and focusing on the past, I focused on what I wanted in my present, and in my future.
Instead of asking myself questions like, ‘why did this happen to me?’, I asked myself what I wanted and how I was going to create it.
And I have never looked back since.
You, too, are in control of your life.
You, too, are in control of letting go of your past and writing and creating your new story.
All you have to do is choose to finally let go and believe that you are in control and that you are capable of creating the amazing life, career, and relationships that you deserve.
Please do share this post with anyone you feel will benefit from hearing this message.
In support and admiration,
~ Jenny
I am honored that you appreciated this post Chava.
Very inspiring Jenny. Thanks.