Monday Motivation: Recharge Yourself

MondayMotivation (1)


As I am taking time off this week, enjoying the Passover holiday with my husband and children, I am thinking about how important it is for us it to take the time and make the time to recharge our own selves.

Sometimes we can keep going and going; moving from one task to another, without stopping to give back to and refill ourselves with whatever it is that we require to help us keep moving forward productively.

This can be true especially when it comes to our studies, our jobs, or even in our job search (a full time job in and of itself!)

We are more productive and successful at what we do when we regularly take breaks and allow our minds and our bodies to get the necessary rest it requires.


[Click here to learn more about the benefits of giving your brain downtime.]


I remember learning this important lesson as a student in high school. Our English teacher gave us excellent advice for the most effective way to study to allow our brains to retain the information we were learning (read: memorizing) for our exams. She strongly recommended that we take regular 5 minute breaks throughout the day during the hours which we were studying. Taking these five minute breaks allows for the brain to recharge itself, she told us. I incorporated her advice then and still do so to this very day.

I schedule in enough time between meetings with my clients so that I can let go and recharge my brain and my body and be ready and present for my next client. I take regular breaks while working on creative projects in my business. I usually remove myself from all media during these breaks and sit quietly with my own thoughts, take a walk outside, or read a novel unrelated to my work. These breaks allow me to breathe and reconnect with my body and soul and come home to me.  I refill my body with good food, close my eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Once I am done with my break, I am recharged and ready to give a 100% again to my next task. These breaks are especially important to take whenever we feel overwhelmed. (If only I could remember to take these mini-breaks while I am with my kids in the afternoons! That would go a long way!)



How about you?

How often do you take a break to recharge yourself?

What do you enjoy doing during these breaks?

How does taking these breaks impact your work, tasks, or the projects you are involved in?


Be in touch with your questions or comments.


Enjoy the rest of your week.  May it be meaningful and productive.

In support and admiration,





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