Monday Motivation: Create the Right Goals for You


With the new academic year upon us (and with what was hopefully a rejuvenating summer behind you), here are a few practical tips and tools to help you create the right goals for you this upcoming year. These practical tools for proper goal creation can be applied to any area of your life – your personal life and relationships, your studies, and your career.




In order to create and follow-through on goals that are right for you, consider these three types of goals. (The following list and descriptions of various types of goals is based on the work of Robert Fritz, author of “The Path of Least Resistance.”)


The first type of goal is what Fritz calls a Primary Goal. A Primary goal is a goal (or choice) about major results. Examples of primary goals are:

  • To get an A in each of my classes.
  • To meet new people and bring more quality relationships into my life.
  • To get a job that helps me pay for my expenses.
The next type of goal is what Fritz calls Secondary Goals. Secondary Goals are the action steps that you take to move toward your primary result. Secondary Goals support Primary Goals. Examples of secondary goals, with respect to the first Primary Goal above – to getting an A in each of my classes – might include:
  • To prepare and be present for each of my classes.
  • To figure out what study habits work best for me and incorporate those habits into my schedule.
  • To eat and sleep well.


The last type of goal is what Fritz calls a Fundamental Goal. The Fundamental Goal is the foundation upon which primary and secondary goals rest. Rather than being a goal that is primarily focused on results (as is the focus of the Primary Goal), a Fundamental Goal’s focus is that of a state of Being. Examples of Fundamental Goals include:

  • To BE a dedicated and committed student.
  • To BE a gracious, kind, open and giving person in my relationships.
  • To BE a trustworthy, reliable, and driven employee or employer.


Getting clear on your Fundamental Goal or Goals requires you to do some exploration about who you are (what your qualities are) and what you value (what is important to you.) Getting clear on who you are and what you value will lead you in the direction of creating goals that are right for you. Setting clear Primary and Secondary Goals based on what you want and what is important to you will help you make the right choices more easily and make it more likely for you to follow-through on the steps you choose to take. Focusing on these three types of goals will ultimately lead you in the right direction and on your path to success in whichever area of your life you choose to focus on.


Best of luck to you moving forward!

As always, please be in touch if you have any questions or comments.

Have an amazing day, week, and year!


In support and admiration,




If you are feeling stuck and are ready to move forward to find fulfillment and success in your life, career, or relationships, contact me to set up your complimentary consultation.

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Career & Relationship Coach | Leadership Trainer | Founder of UnleashingU!

Hi, I'm Jenny Sassoon, founder of UnleashingU! I guide professionals, students, entrepreneurs, and executives to move forward and thrive in their career, business, leadership and life in a way that is right and authentic for them. To schedule your complimentary consultation to learn more about how I can help you, click on the 'contact' tab above.

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