Are you at a turning point or at the start of something new?
A new job?
A new career?
A new business?
A promotion?
Dating or a new relationship?
Starting a family?
At the start of reclaiming and living your life by your new and more accurate story?
Being at the start of something new can feel scary.
Your embarking on this new path can leave you feeling inadequate or incapable even though you have much experience and have already had so many successes in your life.
Not to worry. These feelings are normal.
You can start preparing and setting a firm foundation for being successful on your new path by doing this one thing:
Make a list of your qualities.
Not your accomplishments, your qualities.
Focusing on your accomplishments alone might make you feel more inadequate if what you have done or accomplished does not fully match the skill-set you require to be successful in your new job or role.
Focusing on your qualities, on the other hand, will help you recognize the strengths and capabilities you have to successfully transition and thrive in your new job or role, even if you don’t have the hard-skill experience yet.
What are some of your core qualities and strengths?
Make a list of your qualities and look at your list daily.
Begin to relate to yourself via your qualities by acknowledging your qualities to yourself, either in your head or out loud, every single day.
Pay attention to how relating to yourself via your qualities impacts you and your level of self-confidence. What you are likely to find is that you realize that you are more capable and powerful than you may have realized.
In support and admiration,
~ Jenny
If you require help and support with this as this process may be new for you, as well, get in touch with me. I am an expert in helping people discover their qualities and strengths and have already helped hundreds of clients gain confidence and direction through this process. I am happy to help you too.
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