Every person must know and understand
That inside of him there is a burning candle.
And his candle is not the same as his friend’s candle.
And there is no person that does not have a candle.
And every person must know and understand
That it is his responsibility to work to uncover the light of this candle,
To ignite this light and shine it upon the entire world.
– Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook |
צריך שכל איש ידע ויבין
שבתוך תוכו דולק נר
ואין נרו שלו כנר חברו
ואין איש שאין לו נר.
וצריך שכל איש ידע ויבין
שעליו לעמול ולגלות
את אור הנר ברבים
ולהדליקו לאבוקה גדולה
ולהאיר את העולם כולו
– הרב אברהם יצחק הכהן קוק
What are your unique gifts and strengths?
How do you shine your light in the world?
What unique gifts and strengths do you see in the people around you; your friends, your parents, your spouse, your children…?
How can you help them to recognize their special and unique light and help them to manifest it in the world?
Thank you very much for this beautiful poem. It is most encouraging!