Fall is Here, It’s Time for a Change: How to Break those Unwanted Habits that are Keeping You from Accomplishing Your Goals

fall mapleAutumn is one of my favorite seasons.  To me, Fall signifies a time of shedding the old, and making time for inner reflection and renewal.  That is probably why in recent days I have been thinking a lot about change.  (And have consequently had the song ‘Changes’ by David Bowie in my head.) This is the time of year when I instinctively take some time to contemplate whether or not all that I am doing reflects my personal values and goals.

Upon reflecting on these thoughts and questions,  I have found that while most of what I am doing is in line with my values and goals, I am still not reaching those goals as quickly as I would like to and as quickly or as efficiently I know that I am capable of.   What’s keeping me stuck, or moving at a much slower pace than I would like to be moving in,  are unnecessary habits that I fall into too easily (read: choose to do instead of other things I know I would rather be doing) give me reason to procrastinate.

Did you ever have the experience when you know there is more you can do; that there is more you really want to be doing and accomplishing, but you just…don’t…seem…to be…getting there?

Well I am in that funky stage a bit right now, and I do not know about you, but I am pretty sick and tired of it.  There is so much more that I would like to accomplish (that I know that I can accomplish) but am not.  I want to make a change.  I want to stop the habits that are keeping me from reaching my goals.  I want to be productive with my time.  I want to make the most of every minute that I have and only do those things that reflect my personal values and goals.

But change is hard and challenging.  Change requires commitment and determination.  So I must ask myself the following:

  • How badly do I want to change?
  • How important is it for me to reach my goals?
  • How important is it for me to live by my values and only do those things that reflect those values?
  • How committed am I to changing my habits?

In a nutshell, my answers to the above questions (predictably)  is that I really do want to change; that it is very important for me to accomplish the goals I have set for myself this year; and I am very committed to changing my habits.  I know what I am capable of and I am excited and ready to accomplish my goals.

How will I start?

Great question.  Starting is always the hardest part.  I know from experience that we are most successful at changing when we focus on bringing in the change that we want, rather than only focusing on stopping the behavior we do not want to be doing anymore.  So, instead of focusing on what it is that I want to stop doing, I will incorporate things that I want to be doing.   That being said, I have committed to using my free time to doing two main things:  writing the workbook that I am creating and to learning something new (either a new tool or a new skill I can use and teach others.)

In already having applied this I have found that it feels similar to pressing really hard on the breaks in my car (because I can clearly see that I am not going in the direction I want to be going in) and then making a quick turn in another direction.    Making this change is requiring a lot of discipline and willpower on my part.

Show me some love and support as I embark on this journey.  After all,  that is what all of us require when making a change.


How about you?  Is there a change that you want to make?  Are you living by your values?  Is all that you do a reflection of your values and goals?  What habits would you like to stop doing?   What are your goals?  What new habits would you like to incorporate into your way of living to help you reach your goals?

 If you are ready and committed to making a change, you can start by reading my Ebook where you will learn about what I have found to be the most important steps any of us have to take in order to accomplish our goals.

As always, please feel free to be in touch with me anytime to share your comments, thoughts, reflections, or any questions you may have; or to set up a complimentary consultation.

In support, respect, and admiration,

~ Jenny


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Career & Relationship Coach | Leadership Trainer | Founder of UnleashingU!

Hi, I'm Jenny Sassoon, founder of UnleashingU! I guide professionals, students, entrepreneurs, and executives to move forward and thrive in their career, business, leadership and life in a way that is right and authentic for them. To schedule your complimentary consultation to learn more about how I can help you, click on the 'contact' tab above.