Monday Motivation: How to Make Everyday a Good Day.

  Sometimes you might feel that others around you, or the circumstances happening around you, are making you feel a certain way. While this is true to a certain extent I would like to encourage and empower you with the … Continued

Monday Motivation: Stop Thinking About What You Wish Could Have Been

  “If only I had a better roommate…” “If only I had a better job…” “If only I had more money…” “If only I had better parents…” “If only none of those terrible things never happened to me…” “If only … Continued

Monday Motivation: Don’t Worry About Your Competition

  When I think of competition, a vision of a person in a race comes to mind. The cyclist who yearns to win must stay focused and look ahead. If s/he takes a moment to look behind, s/he will likely … Continued

Why Be Yourself?

  The best thing you can do for yourself – your life, your career and your relationships – is to be yourself. That is your guaranteed path to your unique success in everything that you do.   Everything you require … Continued